Saturday, August 27, 2016

Frightful, yet so Delightful Event of the first night.

The first night, as boring as it may seem at the first thought, is in reality, truly the other way round. You get to meet with your seniors for the first time, and that includes the things that are not expected from an IITian.

Your parents are asked to leave, and you are formally invited (in front of your parents) to attend the event that shall happen after the dinner. The session is totally informal (formal ones have abuses in plenty, the informal ones are mind blowing with regards to indecent language) and you get to see the true face behind your 'baap' and your 'chachas', who all through the day were pretending to be ideal IITians. I believe it must be very hard to control your language, for you get so used to your "friendly" jargon backed up by an abundance of "words". 

The session starts off with the the general ones, and shifts to topics such as masturbation, watching porn, names of porn-stars and what not! For someone who does the "thing", but feels shame in admitting it, the night is a true eye-opener because you learn how freely people talk about such issues in IIT, especially in IIT Kanpur (Kudos!). 

You are then taught how to give your introduction to your senior, in a set-right format (called "Kholna") and are asked to memorize it by-heart. You are also introduced  to your "chachas", and you have to remember their names too. And, If you have an "Amma", you are the "baccha" of a lucky dude. "Amma" stands for your baapu's girlfriend. 

The session comes to an end, and you are asked to gather in the quads the following day. This is how the day comes to an end for most of the freshers. You try to sleep, unwillingly, under the fan making cranky noise, and you doze off to your dream (pun intended).

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